Monday, August 13, 2012

Rbtebby's Wedding Afghan

I just finished knitting a light throw.  I saw Hobby Lobby's BambooSpun yarn and I had to buy it and make a blanket.  I searched Ravelry until I found a design I liked. I went with a design by the user rdtebby.  The instructions say to double the yarn, but I just went without doubling it.  I wanted a throw that would be light enough to cover me and still let me stay on the cooler side.  I like staying cool, but I always feel as if I need a blanket, even if I'm at a comfortable temperature.

This design was perfect! It was easy enough that a simpleton like me couldn't screw it up, but different enough to keep me interested! And I only used 5 skeins of yarn, and the yarn was even on sale (Yippee!).

I love this! If anyone stopping by my website likes it as well, you can find rdtebby's pattern on ravelry! Here's the URL: Wedding Afghan